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Drainage Problems

Drainage Problems

Structural Pros does a lot of drainage installation in Wilmington and other coastal areas, The typical flat land surrounding coastal areas tend to cause drainage issues, standing water and the residents in these areas are often in need of drainage around house and drainage around yard. We have been providing drainage solutions for our clients for 30 years. There is a need for drainage contractors and drainage experts to prevent water intrusion in crawl space and water intrusion in basement. We typically meet our potential clients and provide drainage solutions. It could be drainage ditch ideas a drainage basin and or a french drain. Typically we try to install a gravity fed french drainage system. If there is no slope to the land and a gravity fed drain is not feasible we will install a pump station divert water to a location that does not affect any neighbors or commercial buildings. Typically a french drainage system will consist of a drainage trench with a drainage pipe usually a corrugated drainage pipe is utilized unless the drainage piping is just to transfer surface water to a proper location. French drains are a very effective water drainage solution to keep standing water away from areas where it accumulates.